Sunday 3rd March 2013.
 Ormskirk Group Church Service
St Cuthbert's Church, Halsall,
At the junction of Halsall Lane and Summerwood Lane, Halsall L39 8RJ

The Masonic Church Service arranged by W.Bro. Ken Tinnion, Pr.D.G.Org. in conjunction with Aughton Lodge and on behalf of the Ormskirk & District Group is to be held on Sunday 3rd March 2013 commencing at 3pm. The service is to be held at St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Halsall, L39 8RR, the same church as the past 2 years.

The service will again be honoured by the attendance of E.Comp The Rev Harry E Ross, P.A.G.Soj, 3rd Pr.G.P. who will address the congregation.
E.Comp Ross is retiring as the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal in the Royal Arch in April and I am sure we can show our appreciation of all his dedicated work by a good attendance.
May I remind you that Brethren/Companions are asked to wear their regalia of which ever order they wish to represent (Craft - dress regalia please), dark or morning suit.
We would also welcome members family and friends as the service is open to everyone.
A link to a map of the area is availabel on our calendar here